The JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) just spend 1.1 billion dollars to send a probe up to Jupiter. Why did they send a probe to Jupiter? One of the main reasons is that they hope to find out where life comes from. They think the mystery will be solved, if they are able to see what is behind those clouds on Jupiter. Really? I could have saved them 1.1 billion dollars by answering the question. I know the answer. In fact, I would only charge them $1000. Just to make them feel like it’s worth the effort to ask me. I know where life came from and I didn’t have to spend 1.1 billion dollars to find out. In fact, I got my information free.
That information they are seeking is in the Bible.
Genesis 1:1-2 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Not only did it take 1.1 billion dollars to send this probe, it also took 26 men and women. Hard core scientists who know how to measure stuff. Who are super smart. Or, are they? In Proverbs 9:10 it says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It’s not the end result, it’s just the beginning. They don’t even have that much.
To deny God and His existence is like a toddler when they cover their eyes and say, “Can’t see me.” We can all see them, but in their immature mind, if they can’t see us, we can’t see them. You can deny God all day and pretend He isn’t there, but that doesn’t erase God. It doesn’t make Him go away. He is still there. He is still all powerful. He is still all-knowing.
Our country is a mess. In case you aren’t sure what I mean, turn on the news. It feels like there are mass shootings almost daily. Murder and mayhem seem to be the order of the day. Why are we so bad off? Why are people going crazy and shooting others left and right? I think we’ve brought it all upon ourselves.
We kill over a million of our children every year. A million unborn babies are slaughtered at the hands of their own mothers. That wicked fact has not escaped God’s notice. He knows every single child that has died.
We kicked God out of our schools.
We refuse to obey His laws and guidelines for us.
We refuse to give Him the honor and glory that He deserves.
Jesus Christ died for the sins of ALL mankind. He rose from the dead. And He’s coming again. God has not disappeared from our lives. He is a gentleman. He won’t force Himself on us. We get to choose. We get to choose whether we believe in Him. We get to choose how we live our lives. We get to choose whatever we want to do. And for the most part, people have chosen to ignore God, ignore the Bible and do whatever they want to do.
I’m not sure how long God will allow us to self destruct. I’m not sure how long He will allow us to continue murdering our babies. God is patient, but for how long? How long before He says enough.
We who are believers need to pray for our country. Pray for God’s mercy upon us. We need to pray for a revival. Something is going to happen. Either the rapture will take place or our country is going to descend into complete chaos. Or both. We all need the Lord. He is our Savior. He is our hope. Please pray for our country.
Lord have mercy on us.
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