He was born a humble birth. After His birth, He was laid in a manager, the feeding trough for the animals in that stable. He grew up in a poor family, a carpenter’s son. He grew up and began a ministry, healing people and telling people He would die soon.
He declared Himself to be God. Actually God, Himself. How could that be? He was a man and poor One at that. He offended the Jews of His day by making such blasphemous statements.
They crucified Him. They nailed His body to a wooden cross, after they had beaten Him so badly, His back was torn to shreds from the beating. They mocked Him, before nailing His hands and feet to the cross. They mocked Him as He was dying. They taunted Him and yelled at Him to come down off the cross and save Himself. Why couldn’t He save Himself?
He died, there on the cross. A crown of thorns still pressed into His brow. The world went completely dark. An earthquake shook the planet. His disciples ran to hide, afraid they would be next.
Three days later, He rose from the dead. He appeared to hundreds and thousands of people. He conquered both sin and death.
He died for the future sins of the man who killed 17 people, last February 14. He died for the sins of the 17 people who died that day at the hands of the shooter. He died for the sins of the mass shooter in Vegas. And He died for the sins of every victim, that shooter killed. He died for the sins of every single victim who has ever died from a mass shooting. He died for the sins of every single shooter who has committed those mass shootings. His shed blood, will clean any sinner who accepts Him.
His shed blood, cleansed Billy Graham. Billy Graham accepted Him, and went to tell thousands, upon thousands of His blood, the cleansing power of His shed blood on the cross.
He died for every single human being that has ever lived and are yet to live. He died for every single human being’s sins, the horrific ones, and the small ones. He died that for those of us who accept His death, as a substitute for our sins, we can be washed clean.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life,” John 3:16
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