Bruce Jenner is not a woman. He can say he is a thousand times a day, but he’s not a woman. He can go on every talk show and news outlet and say he is, but he is not. He can surgically remove his penis, get breast implants and wear makeup, he is still a man. Nothing, I mean nothing is going to change him into a woman. He’s a mentally disturbed man that needs help. He is not a woman.
God designed men and women differently, in case you didn’t know. We women are capable of growing and birthing babies with our bodies. Every one of our 37.2 trillion cells are coded to show we are a woman.
Every month, we women go through a process that indicates our womanhood. Whether we like it or not, our bodies, prepare for having babies. Every month, our uteruses fill a lining with blood to prepare for housing a baby. Every month a tiny egg travels down our fallopian tubes, waiting to get fertilized. When it doesn’t, our bodies release hormones to tell our uteruses, nope, no baby, time to shed that lining. Our bodies shed the lining, and after it does, it starts all over again, building up a cushion for a potential baby.
I thought it was interesting, I found this quote on a website:, that talks about things related to, well, kid’s health. One of the articles explains a woman’s period and this is what they said at the beginning of the article:
“Menstruation (a period) is a major stage of puberty in girls. It’s one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman.”
Our periods are “one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman.” That couldn’t be any clearer. I know for a fact that Bruce Jenner does not have a period. He never has, nor will he ever. He can change as much as he would like on the outside of his body, but every one of his 37.2 trillion cells are coded male. He can’t change that. He never will be able to change that.
There is so much that goes on in our bodies whether we are male or female. At around puberty, our pituitary glands began releasing hormones that are either male or female. These hormones signal our bodies to start developing into a man or woman. Men grow facial hair, and their voices get deeper. Women began to menstruate and develop breasts. Our bodies are perfectly designed systems, to create us into grown men or women. Inside our brains and each of our 37.2 trillion cells, everything works together to grow us into the males or females we were designed to be.
If you are a man, who thinks he’s a woman, that’s strictly in your addled mind. All of your 37.2 trillion cells knows exactly what you are. Your pituitary gland secrets male hormones because it knows exactly who you are. You do not have ovaries, a uterus, or fallopian tubes. All of your inside organs and cells are a strictly male system that coordinates with the codes of your pituitary gland and cells. Everything Bruce Jenner has done to himself is strictly external. His entire body is male and always will be.
When I worked at the pysch hospital years ago, we had young patients with anorexia. Most of you know, anorexia is a state of mind in which a person believes they are fat, but really aren’t. They starve themselves to get thinner, because they truly believe they are fat. This is called a disorder, and the kids that had it were hospitalized to save their lives. Death is a common outcome, if a person doesn’t get help.
If anorexia is considered a psychological disorder in which is person believes they are fat when they aren’t, why do we treat transgenders differently? Transgenders believe they are the wrong gender when they aren’t. There is a 40% suicide rate among transgenders. Why are we pretending this is normal when these people are in crisis? They need help. They don’t need to be elected “Woman of the Year” (Bruce Jenner). They’re suffering a serious psychological crisis and need help before they off themselves. And the number doesn’t change whether they so called transition or not. Either way, 40% of them kill themselves.
God designed our bodies perfectly. Our cells, hormones, glands and organs all work together to create either a male or female person. There is no in between. There is no question. Everything in a male’s body is coded male. Everything in a female’s body is coded female. We need to help these people who think they are different then what their body is coded to be. Bruce Jenner is male and it will never change.
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