It’s now officially the Christmas season. Many of us will be celebrating. We will buy gifts for the people we love. We’ll listen to Christmas music. We’ll attend parties and Christmas shows. And then, that day will come, December 25th, when we will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
Aww, but there will be those, who oppose such a celebration. There will be those, in our ranks of Christians, who will say we should’t celebrate Christmas. To them I say, “bah humbug!”
More and more, there are attacks on Christmas. For many reasons, I have heard people say they won’t celebrate Christmas.
Is it a sin to celebrate Christmas? Are we wrong?
Is it a sin to celebrate Christmas? Nope. Not hardly. There are only two Christian holidays that coincide with our Christian faith: Christmas and Easter. Christmas is the celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth. Easter is the celebration of His death, burial and resurrection from the dead.
First of all, what did God do with Christ’s birth? Well like any celebration, you want people there TO celebrate. So in the Bible, Luke 2, God shows us how He invited some people to come celebrate the birth of Christ. God sent an angel to some shepherds. The angel was kind of scary, as he had light all around him, So the angel had to calm the shepherds down and tell them not to be scared. The angel announces the good news to the shepherds: a Savior is born today. Go see Him. Here’s how you’ll find Him. Then to really top off this announcement from the angel, a whole multitude of angels appear, and they’re singing! This baby born is a really big deal. Angels are in the sky singing about it.
This was a monumental moment for the shepherds who spend the days and nights out on green pastures watching their sheep. Since the angels showed up, they realize, they should go check out the baby. I mean, if a bunch of angels have come to tell you to go check out this baby and they sing about it, wouldn’t you want to go? So they go and find the baby just as the angel had said.
Then some smart, rich dudes come find a star in the sky and decide it leads to something significant, so they go follow the star and find the baby Jesus (Matthew 2). They know this baby is important, so they bring some very important gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
So God is sending out messages to all kinds of people announcing the birth of Jesus Christ. There are angels in the sky, singing about it all. Wisemen bring gifts. I would call that a celebration. And why wouldn’t there be a celebration? The Savior has come into the world to save us all from our sins. He has come to offer up His life, so that those who accept Him, can have life and life more abundantly.
So if God is having multitudes of angels, singing about Jesus birth. And if God is sending out wisemen to come see Him. And if God is announcing to shepherds that a Savior is born, I think we can safely say celebrating Christmas is a good thing. So Merry Christmas to you all.