Last week I talked about the encouragement I received from Tua, announcing his gratitude to “his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” We go from that to this week, hearing about parents with thirteen kids, who chained their kids to the bed. As soon as I heard that, I panicked. I said over and over in my head, “please don’t say they’re homeschoolers, please don’t say they’re homeschoolers, please don’t say they’re homeschoolers.” And then, against my wishful thinking, the news comes out with the fact that this family supposedly “homeschooled” their kids. I put the word homeschooled in parenthesis, because clearly they WERE NOT homeschooling their kids.
C’mon people! C’mon FAKE NEWS! This family wasn’t homeschooling their kids. That’s not what homeschooling looks like! Homeschoolers don’t chain up their kids to beds. They don’t starve their children. They don’t abuse them in any way shape or form. Families that homeschool, love their children. These people (and I use that term loosely) used the term homeschool to hide their demonic activities and torture of their children. They abused the term, just like they abused their children. What they did to their kids was unconscionable. (How do you like that fifty cent word?)
Real homeschoolers, give up so much of our lives to homeschool. We mothers, most mothers are the homeschoolers, give up our free time, our education and money to homeschool our kids. It’s a sacrifice, but so worth it.
Many homeschool families are Christians. We, who homeschool, seek to honor God with our education. We want our kids to know God, to love God, to serve God. People (the media) need to separate out the demons from the rest of us. These abusive people clearly have some serious mental problems, to treat their children this way. But just because these people used the term “homeschooling,” doesn’t mean they were actually homeschooling. They weren’t.
Quit saying these people homeschooled. Stop it, NOW! These were two mentally disturbed individuals, who tortured their offspring. Just because you say it, doesn’t make it true. I could declare all day long that I’m the Queen of Sheba. But when I look at my bank account and my raggedy shorts, I know clearly, I am not the Queen of Sheba. My empty bank account attests to this. My raggedy shorts, attests to this.
I am trying to start a narrative that is true and right. These monsters who had thirteen children were not homeschooling. If someone asks you about this bit of news and they throw in the word, homeschooling, stop them right there. Correct them and tell them, these people were not homeschooling their kids. That’s not what homeschooling looks like.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, we homeschoolers have some bad days. But the only things that have ever gotten chained up in our house are, maybe, our bikes. I wouldn’t wait for the kids to only shower once a year. That’s just plain gross. They can go, maybe two days. Then there needs to be some body scrubbing done right quick with something resembling soap.
As far as feeding goes, my son is almost 6′ 4″. He didn’t get that way through starvation.
All kidding aside, media, please stop saying these people homeschooled their children. They tortured their children, but they didn’t homeschool them. I, as a homeschooling mom, ask you to stop using that word when talking about those monsters.