My blog is called, “Knowledge of good and evil.” (In case, you didn’t notice). I talk a lot about my faith in Jesus Christ here. But I’m going to switch gears here today and talk about health. I have found a “magic” cure for some health issues and thought I should share it with you. This “magic” cure, helps you sleep better at night, relaxes your muscles, takes away anxiety, builds bigger muscles, makes your teeth stronger, and makes you happy. All with zero side effects. (Okay, there’s one little side effect we’ll discuss later).
You are probably thinking I’ve become some sort of salesman for some new drug. Nope. I get no commission off of this. Zero dollars are coming my way. It’s just had such an amazing effect on my family’s health and some friends that I have to share it with you. Plus, my dad said I should. (Always got to listen to the parents!). Jesus Christ and the Bible are an absolute must in our lives. But we have physical bodies as well, and we need to treat them well, so we can live for Jesus in the best way possible.
I should give you some back story before I unveil this great secret. About ten or so years ago, maybe even more, my husband was getting really sick. I mean sick. He felt nauseated much of the time and threw up a lot. (Sorry for the grossness). I thought it was my cooking. He went to a doctor. He came home with a huge bag of high-end antacid pills. I asked him what the doctor said and he said she asked him what he was stressed about. Okay. My husband starting taking the antacid pills. They didn’t have much effect. He went back to the doctor. She ordered a CAT scan for him. Nothing. A friend suggested his gall bladder might be kaput. Nope. He had an x-ray. Nothing. In the back of my mind I still wondered about my cooking. Another friend suggested that he might be gluten intolerant. We took him off of gluten. That helped some. He didn’t feel AS bloated. However, the nausea was sticking with him. I searched everywhere on the internet to find out what would cause this. I needed evidence it wasn’t my cooking. On the internet I discovered that dairy intolerance often goes hand in hand with gluten intolerance. We took him off of that. It helped some. But still the nausea stuck with him like grim death. Okay.
Finally, I started praying about it for God to give us some answers. Well I was watching a program one day and this guy on the show was a sleep expert. He talked about how getting enough sleep will help you lose weight. That peeked my interest. He said, to help you sleep drink banana tea. You boil a banana peel with the banana and make this tea. There are high levels of magnesium in the banana peel. I wanted to try it. Sleep is important to me and being in perimenopause, my sleep wasn’t as good as it should be. That night I made some for myself, and my husband. It was amazing. We slept like logs that night. I also woke up feeling really groovy. Ed didn’t report any nausea. But he had gotten to the point that he didn’t want to burden me so he would try and hide it. Well the first night of our banana tea drinking adventure was so good, we started making this a habit. And the excellent side effects persisted: great sleep, a groovy feeling and no nausea for my hubsters (but we hadn’t made the connection yet).
Fast forward a few months and I notice odd things happening in my body. The only thing I was doing that was different was the banana tea. I realize, I’m boiling banana peels for the magnesium, but the peels probably have a lot of stuff on them that I shouldn’t be eating. Like bad stuff in the pesticides family. I take a break from the banana tea. And since I’m the one who makes it, so does my husband. A few days into our banana tea fast, my husband gets really, really sick. He hasn’t been this way for a long time. I think about it for a bit. I go to the internet and look up magnesium. I find this website that says one of the biggest signs of magnesium deficiency is…wait for it… nausea and vomiting. Oh, wow! The hubbers is magnesium deficient. Another website lists off the major benefits of magnesium. It says almost all of us are magnesium deficient. Magnesium has a part in over three-hundred processes in our bodies. Melatonin NEEDS magnesium so it can be produced in our bodies. Seratonin (that feel good hormone) needs magnesium to be produced in our bodies. Magnesium clears out our guts (ever hear of ‘milk of magnesia?). Books have been written about the amazing benefits of it. So I researched and found several suggestions for good magnesium supplements.
Now, since the hubby has been taking magnesium, the nausea is gone. My son was complaining about not sleeping well at night. So now he takes it and is getting at least eight hours of sleep. There are videos on youtube that talk about taking magnesium.
I said there are virtually no side effects. There is one – diarrhea. It cleans out your guts really well, so you may have to ease into it. I had to. But I built up to it and now take 400mg a night.
So if you are having trouble sleeping at night, trouble with constipation, sadness, anxiety, muscle pain and stiffness, nausea and vomiting, try out magnesium. It’s like a little wonder mineral.
I hope it blesses your family as much as it has mine. Some people ask about my pictures at the beginning of my posts. I try to match my pictures with what I’m saying. I thought the little guy at the beginning of this post looked content and happy, just like you will look when you start taking magnesium.
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